- Zhen Guo, Zhiguang Liu, George Barbastathis, Qihang Zhang, Michael E. Glinsky, Bradley K. Alpert, and Zachary H. Levine, Noise-resilient deep learning for integrated circuit tomography, Optics Express, 31.10 (2023): 15355-15371.
- Ziling Wu, Iksung Kang, Yudong Yao, Yi Jiang, Junjing Deng, Jeffrey Klug, Stefan Vogt, George Barbastathis, Three-dimensional nanoscale reduced-angle ptycho-tomographic imaging with deep learning (RAPID), eLight, 3, 7 (2023).
- Prakitr Srisuma, Ajinkya Pandit, Qihang Zhang, Moo Sun Hong, Janaka Gamekkanda, Fabio Fachin, Nathan Moore, Dragan Djordjevic, Michael Schwaerzler, Tolutola Oyetunde, Wenlong Tang, Allan S Myerson, George Barbastathis, Richard D Braatz, Thermal imaging-based state estimation of a Stefan problem with application to cell thawing, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 173 (2023): 108179.
- Qihang Zhang, Janaka C. Gamekkanda, Wenlong Tang, Charles Papageorgiou, Chris Mitchell, Yihui Yang, Michael Schwaerzler, Tolutola Oyetunde, Richard D. Braatz, Allan S. Myerson, and George Barbastathis, From Laser Speckle to Particle Size Distribution in drying powders: A Physics-Enhanced AutoCorrelation-based Estimator (PEACE), Nature Communications, 14-1159 (2023).
- Subeen Pang, George Barbastathis, Unified treatment of exact and approximate scalar electromagnetic wave scattering, Phys. Rev. E, 106,045301 (2022).
- Iksung Kang, Marc de Cea, Jin Xue, Zheng Li, George Barbastathis, and Rajeev J. Ram, Simultaneous spectral recovery and CMOS micro-LED holography with an untrained deep neural network, Optica, 9(10)101149-07 (2022).
- Zhen Guo, Jungki Song, George Barbastathis, Michael E. Glinsky, Courtenay T. Vaughan, Kurt W. Larson, Bradley K. Alpert, Zachary H. Levine, Physics-assisted generative adversarial network for X-ray tomography, Optics Express, 30(13) (2022).
- Zhen Guo, Abraham Levitan, George Barbastathis, Riccardo Comin, Randomized probe imaging through deep k-learning, Optics Express, 30(2) (2022).
- Raj Dandekar, Emma Wang, George Barbastathis, Chris Rackauckas, Implications on delayed reopening in controlling the COVID-19 surge in Southern and West-central USA, Health Data Science, 9798302 (2021).
- Bahram Javidi, Artur Carnicer, Arun Arand, George Barbastathis et al, Roadmap on digital holography, Optics Express, 29(22) (2021).
- Seok Kim, Jordan J. Handler, Young Tae Cho, George Barbastathis, and Nicholas X. Fang, Scalable 3D printing of aperiodic cellular structures by rotational stacking of integral image formation, Science Advances, 7(38) (2021).
- Iksung Kang, Alexandre Goy, and George Barbastathis, Dynamical machine learning volumetric reconstruction of objects’ interiors from limited angular views, Light: Science and Applications, 10(74) (2021). [ EurekAlert ]
- Zhengyun Zhang, Kim Whye Leong, Krystyn Van Vilet, George Barbastathis, and Andrea Ravasio, Deep learning for label-free nuclei detection from implicit phase information of mesenchymal stem cells, Biomedical Optics Express, 12(3), pp. 1683 – 1706 (2021).
- Iksung Kang, Subeen Pang, Qihang Zhang, Nicholas Fang, and George Barbastathis, Recurrent neural network reveals transparent objects through scattering media, Optics Express, 29(4), pp. 5316 – 5326 (2021).
- Jiachen Wu, Liangcai Cao, and George Barbastathis, DNN-FZA camera: a deep learning approach toward broadband FZA lensless imaging, Optics Letter, 46(1), 130 – 133 (2021).
- Raj Dandekar, Chris Rackauckas, and George Barbastathis, A machine learning-aided global diagnostic and comparative tool to assess effect of quarantine control in COVID-19 spread, Cell Patterns, 100145 (2020).
- Subeen Pang* and George Barbastathis, Machine learning regularized solution of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation, arXiv:2010.15117 (2020).
- Gregory Allan*, Iksung Kang*, Ewan Douglas, George Barbastathis, and Kerri Cahoy, Deep residual learning for low-order wavefront sensing in high-contrast imaging system, Optics Express, 28(18), 26267-26283 (2020). (*: equal contribution)
- Mo Deng*, Shuai Li*, Zhengyun Zhang, Iksung Kang, Nicholas X. Fang, and George Barbastathis, On the interplay between physical and content priors in deep learning for computational imaging, Optics Express, 28(16), 24152-24170 (2020). (*: equal contribution)
- Raj Dandekar, Chris Rackauckas, and George Barbastathis, A machine learning aided global diagnostic and comparative tool to assess effect of quarantine control in Covid-19 spread, arXiv:2007.13540 (2020).
- Iksung Kang, Alexandre Goy, and George Barbastathis, Limited-angle tomographic reconstruction of dense layered objects by dynamical machine learning, arXiv:2007.10734 (2020).
- Iksung Kang, Fucai Zhang, and George Barbastathis, Phase Extraction Neural Network (PhENN) with Coherent Modulation Imaging (CMI) for phase retrieval at low photon counts, Optics Express, 28(15), 21578-21600 (2020).
- Fei Wang, Yaoming Bian, Haichao Wang, Meng Lyu, Giancarlo Pedrini, Wolfgang Osten, George Barbastathis, and Guohai Situ, Phase imaging with an untrained neural network, Light: Science and Applications, 9(1), 1-7 (2020).
- Zhenfei He, Bingyang Wang, Jiaming Bai, George Barbastathis, and Fucai Zhang, High-quality reconstruction of coherent modulation imaging using weak cascade modulators, Ultramicroscopy, 112990 (2020).
- Haluk Akay and George Barbastathis, Markovian random walk modeling and visualization of the epidemic spread of Covid-19, medRxiv, 2020.04.12.20062927 (2020).
- Jiachen Wu, Hua Zhang, Wenhui Zhang, Guofan Jin, Liangcai Cao and George Barbastathis, Single-shot lensless imaging with fresnel zone aperture and incoherent illumination, Light: Science & Applications, 9(1), 1-11 (2020).
- Koshi Tomuro, Takanori Nomura and George Barbastathis, Deep ghost phase imaging, Applied Optics, 59(11), 3376-3382 (2020).
- Raj Dandekar and George Barbastathis, Quantifying the effect of quarantine control in Covid-19 infectious spread using machine learning, medRxiv, 2020.04.03.20052084 (2020).
- Mo Deng, Shuai Li, Alexandre Goy, Iksung Kang, and George Barbastathis, Learning to Synthesize: Robust Phase Retrieval at Low Photon Counts, Light: Science and Applications, 9(1), 1-16 (2020). [ EurekAlert ]
- Mo Deng*, Alexandre Goy*, Shuai Li, Kwabena Arthur, and George Barbastathis, Probing shallower: perceptual loss trained Phase Extraction Neural Network (PLT-PhENN) for artifact-free reconstruction at low photon budget, Optics Express, 28(2), 2511-2535 (2020). (*: equal contribution)
- Seok Kim, Jordan Jerome Handler, Young Tae Cho, George Barbastathis, and Nicholas Xuanlai Fang, Scalable additive manufacturing via integral image formation, arXiv:1911.11817 (2019).
- Alexandre Goy, Girish Rughoobur, Shuai Li, Kwabena Arthur, Akintunde Akinwande, and George Barbastathis, High-resolution limited-angle phase tomography of dense layered objects using deep neural networks, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (40) 19848-19856 (2019).
- George Barbastathis, Aydogan Ozcan, and Guohai Situ, On the use of deep learning for computational imaging, Optica, 6(8), 921-943 (2019).
- Carson Teale, George Barbastathis, and Martin A. Schmidt, Vibration Compensated, Scanning White Light Interferometer for In Situ Depth Measurements in a Deep Reactive Ion Etcher, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 28 (3), 441-446 (2019).
- Alexandre Goy, Kwabena Arthur, Shuai Li, and George Barbastathis, Low photon count phase retrieval using deep learning, Physical Review Letters, 121 (24), 243902 (2018).
- Zhengyun Zhang, Wei-Na Li, Anand Asundi, and George Barbastathis, Simultaneous measurement and reconstruction tailoring for quantitative phase imaging, Optics Express, 26 (25), 32532-32553 (2018).
- Shuai Li and George Barbastathis, Spectral pre-modulation of training examples enhances the spatial resolution of the phase extraction neural network (PhENN), Optics Express, 26 (22), 29340-29352 (2018).
- Sanathanan Muttikulangara, Maciej Baranski, George Barbastathis, and Jianmin Miao, Wafer-Level Integration of Replicated Polymer Micro-Optics With Micromechanical Systems, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 30 (23), 2017-2020 (2018).
- Shuai Li, Mo Deng, Justin Lee, Ayan Sinha, and George Barbastathis, Imaging through glass diffusers using densely connected convolutional networks, Optica, 5 (7), 803-813 (2018).
- Chenglong Bao, George Barbastathis, Hui Ji, Zuowei Shen, and Zhengyun Zhang, Coherence retrieval using trace regularization, SIAM Journal on Imaging Science, 11 (1), 679-706 (2018).
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