- Zhen Guo, Jung Ki Song, George Barbastathis, Michael E. Glinsky, Courtenay T. Vaughn, Kurt W. Larson, Bradley K. Alpert, and Zachary H. Levine. (2022). Advantage of Machine Learning over Maximum Likelihood in Limited-Angle Low-Photon X-Ray Tomography. In Electronic Imaging (Vol. 34, pp. 1-6).
- Jungki Song, Zachary Levine, Zhen Guo, Bradley Alpert, Michael Glinsky, and George Barbastathis, Information-theoretic approach towards X-ray imaging 3D integrated circuits, Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (2021).
- Zhen Guo, Abraham Levitan, George Barbastathis, and Riccardo Comin. “Randomized Probe Imaging through Deep K-Learning.” In Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (2021).
- Iksung Kang, Yudong Yao, Junjing Deng, Jeffrey Klug, Stefan Vogt, Steven Honig, and George Barbastathis, Three-dimensional reconstruction of integrated circuits by single-angle X-ray ptychography with machine learning, Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (2021).
- Zixin Yong, Elizabeth Lee, Maciej Baranski, Lisa Tucker-Kellogg, George Barbastathis, CycleGAN for reflection and aberration artifact removal in quantitative phase images of mesenchymal stromal cells, Novel Techniques in Microscopy (2021).
- Baoliang Ge, Mo Deng, Yanping He, Yijin Wang, Md Habibur Rahman, Yi-Ping Ho, Liting Duan, Zahid Yaqoob, George Barbastathis, Peter TC So, Renjie Zhou, Single-shot tomographic microscopy for fast 3D cellular imaging, Novel Techniques in Microscopy (2021).
- Yanping He, Baoliang Ge, Mo Deng, Zahid Yaqoob, George Barbastathis, Peter TC So, Renjie Zhou, High-throughput three-dimensional imaging cytometry based on single-shot optical diffraction tomography, High-speed Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy VI(2021).
- Iksung Kang, George Barbastathis, Probability of error as an image metric for the assessment of tomographic reconstruction of dense-layered binary-object objects, Quantitative Phase Imaging VI (2021).
- Gregory Allan*, Iksung Kang*, Ewan Douglas, Mamadou N’Diaye, George Barbastathis, and Kerri Cahoy, Deep neural networks to improve the dynamic range of Zernike phase-contrast wavefront sensing in high-contrast imaging systems, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation (2020). (*: equal contribution)
- Elizabeth Lee, Maciej Baranski, Zixin Yong, Lakshmi Venkatraman, Derrick Yong, and George Barbastathis, Multimodal Microscopy for Label-free Monitoring of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells, Frontiers in Optics (2020).
- George Barbastathis, On the use of deep learning for computational imaging, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XVII (2020).
- Baoliang Ge, Mo Deng, George Barbastathis, Peter T. C. So, Renjie Zhou, and Zahid Yaqoob, High-speed optical diffraction tomography (ODT) with deep learning approach,Quantitative Phase Imaging VI (2020).
- George Barbastathis, On the use of machine learning for solving computational inverse problems, Quantitative Phase Imaging VI(2020).
~ 2019